Tim MA '15, Clinical 咨询

Youth shelter director. Former NFL player. 有信仰的人.

How does the prop you brought represent you?
Football represents the foundation of discipline, hard work, achievement, and goal setting. I learned so many invaluable lessons on and off the field that I have taken with me into manhood, 我的职业生涯, 还有我的家人. The Word of God is the beginning. My Bible represents a new way of living, thinking, breathing and the truth. It vindicates my passion for people and my desire to help them improve their lives. 

How would you describe courage in one sentence?

Courage is the fuel it takes to drive through fear.

How did getting your degree require courage? 

I worked full-time and I took a full coarse load while being a father. I didn’t know how I would manage all these responsibilities at once. I keep praying, staying close to the Lord and he allowed the Holy Spirit to guide me every step of the way. 

How does your current job or career path require courage? 

The main thing my job requires is patience. I work with youth who experience displacement, and for the most part have experienced trauma in different circumstances. So my team and myself have to be patient and come along side these young people. We have to be non-judgmental yet still provide structure. Most importantly we must have a loving heart to support our youth through the difficult circumstances that have found them living in our shelter. 

How did EU help you become more courageous in your thinking and actions?

I believe EU gave me the skill set to do my work. When I started at EU I had a general belief that therapy was my calling, however, I was unskilled. While at Eastern my professors equipped me with the knowledge and skill set to understand trauma and be able to support communities who struggle with mental health.

Where do you hope courage will lead you in the future?

I hope I am able to have enough courage to take on new challenges and adventures in the near future. 

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